Take your life-changing product to the world and make your dream of running an impactful brand a reality. 

Build a thriving, profitable eCommerce business

Have an incredible product but no clue about eCommerce?

The step-by-step course designed to turn your passion project into a fully-fledged, profitable, sustainable, thriving online business so that you can have the freedom you've been dreaming of. 

Ultimate eCommerce Academy





"I'm good at what I do but eCommerce feels so foreign! I'm worried I'll fail trying to do it all on my own!"

"I want to set this business up for maximum, on-going success to grow, pay myself, and more - HELP!"

Lacking the skills to bring it to life


"Making a website... running ads....  making sales... and the tech systems all just feel too overwhelming!"

WITH No idea where to start


Does this sound familiar?

• You're dreaming of ditching the 9-5, spending more time with your family, traveling, doing what you love and being your own boss. 

• You've created (or are in the process of bringing to life) an incredible product but don't know how to launch, grow or run an eCommerce business. 

You're trying to navigate it all - marketing, web design, paid ads, tech systems and softwares - well, it's making your head spin! 

You want to run a profitable eCommerce business that impacts thousands of people and allows you to live the life of your dreams but you're starting to wonder if you're cut out for this entrepreneurship thing and if your dreams are even possible. 

You can CLEARLY picture yourself running an amazing, successful well-loved brand BUT you're stuck...

If this sounds like you, you're in the right place!

Do you have an amazing product but don't know the first thing about selling online?

I've got the secrets to unlocking your online business success

But here's thing. You're not alone. I've been exactly where you are and...

Become an eCommerce wizard

STEP 1: Set Simple, Powerful Sales Strategies (that make money while you sleep)

STEP 2: Build a Beautiful, High Converting Website 
(without any coding or design skills)

STEP 3: Market Your Brand Like a Pro 
(no agencies or big budgets required)

You see there's a way forward. You just need to be shown how to...

I started my first e-commerce business with less than $1000 in my bank account, no experience, no help, and no clue what I was doing!

I’ve stressed about making sales, trying to figure out how to run profitable paid ads, feeling like a total imposter and failure (depending on the day). 

BUT I sold that first business and have built MULTIPLE ecommerce businesses, managed tens of millions of dollars in revenue and become more passionate about the power of ecommerce than EVER!  

I created the Ultimate eCommerce Academy to help you navigate the wild world of eCommerce in a way that’s clear, simple and comprehensive so you can build an insanely successful DREAM business (without all the confusion and overwhelm).

Hey, I'm EC!

I've worked with hundreds of businesses making
$0 - $10M dollars! 

I’m here to give you ALL the secrets, shortcuts, strategies, and steps you need to AVOID making the costly mistake I spent years making.

I've been where you are and I learned these secrets for success over the last decade of building eCommerce businesses.

Start a business from scratch with no experience

Build a brand that makes sales while you sleep with out a  huge budget, coding or any design skills. 

Find the freedom to spend more time with your family, traveling or doing what you love 

Ditch the 9-5 and follow your passions with an online business!

I'm living proof that you can...


A comprehensive step-by-step course designed to help you launch and grow your online business.

eCommerce Academy

Introducing the...

How to build a well-loved brand that easily attracts your dream customer

How to set a KILLER sales & marketing strategy so you have sales rolling in from day 1.

How to create your very own beautiful, well-designed, high-converting Shopify website even with no coding or graphic design experience! 

How understand exactly what is working and not working in your business by looking at Google Analytics and Shopify reports (even if you hate numbers) so you can double down on the things that will grow your business faster.

And SO much more!
(See a full course content breakdown below)

Inside this ecourse you'll learn all the secrets, shortcuts, strategies, and steps you need including:

Discover exactly what you'll learn:

Take a look inside the course modules and...

We set up and go over all the tools, apps, and systems you need to set up your store & marketing.

We secure your domain, email, and make sure all your Meta, Google accounts (and more!) are set up correctly.

We lay all the foundations you need to build and grow a wildly successful online business.

We discuss mindset, how to make the most of the course and how be successful in eCommerce and avoid the biggest tripping hazards along the way! 


module five

module four

module three

module two

module one

We lay all the foundations you need to build and grow a wildly successful online business from securing your domain, email, and make sure all your Meta, Google accounts (and more!) are set up correctly.


module ONE

We talk about all things eCommerce sales & growth! We set your KILLER sales strategy so you have a streamlined plan to kick your goals! You’ll feel super clear on exactly how, where, why and what you are selling. 


module TWO

We create a POWERFUL, strategic marketing plan for your business to not only make sales but become a successful, strong brand. No experience in marketing is required– we’ll give you all tools and walk you through step-by-step to set yourself apart and build a brand that is loved and self-sustaining.


module Three

Create your very own beautiful, well-designed, high-converting Shopify website even with no coding or graphic design experience! We cover design, function, website pages, and everything you need to know to build an amazing Shopify website step-by-step.


module four

If backend systems, shipping, payment methods, policies, and the rest does your head in this is for you! We cover everything from apps to fulfilment and everything in between in the Shopify backend so you can feel confident in your systems!


module fIVE

Even if you HATE numbers, you’ll be able to understand exactly what is working and not working in your business by looking at Google Analytics and Shopify reports. We’ll also cover the wild beast that is SEO from how to do it to best practices and guidelines. Lastly we’ll go step by step through hope to audit and optimise your website and make sure it’s making as many sales as possible!


module SIX

We talk about other Marketplace sales channels and go step-by-step how to sell on Amazon! 


module SEVEN

In this module we’ll show you exactly how to use email marketing to grow your business and we’ll guide you through Klaviyo and how to set up your campaigns and automated workflows so you can make money while you sleep!


module EIGHT

Never get let down by an overpriced agency or scammy freelancer again! Learn how to run your own wildly successful ads on Meta (ie. Facebook and Instagram), Google, and Pinterest! 


module NINE

We make sure everything is in place to launch (or relaunch) your amazing ecommerce business into the world! Then it’s time for a champagne! 


module TEN

module ten

module nine

module eight

module SEVEN

module SIX

Learn about business models, sales channels, key eCommerce trends and growth drivers.

Create your exact Sales Strategy using our step-by-step template to set your goals and break them down to actionable steps (so you can make sales without working 24/7!)

We talk about all things eCommerce sales & growth! We set your KILLER sales strategy so you have a streamlined plan to kick your goals!

Feel super clear on exactly how, where, why and what you are selling. 


module five

module four

module three

module two

module one

module ten

module nine

module eight

module SEVEN

module SIX

Learn about different marketing initiatives, strategies and frameworks to suit your business.

Define your brand clearly so you know exactly how, where, and why you show up to sell! 

We create a POWERFUL, strategic marketing plan for your business to not only make sales but become a successful, strong brand.

No experience in marketing is required– we’ll give you all tools and walk you through step-by-step to set your brand apart.


module five

module four

module three

module two

module one

module ten

module nine

module eight

module SEVEN

module SIX

You'll understand Shopify inside-and-out and have a custom online store that's ready to sell!

Understand how to use the Shopify theme customiser, create pages,  use apps and more.

Create your very own beautiful, well-designed, high-converting Shopify website even with no coding or graphic design experience!

We cover design, function, website pages, and everything you need to know to build an amazing Shopify website step-by-step.


module five

module four

module three

module two

module one

module ten

module nine

module eight

module SEVEN

module SIX

Learn how to manage inventory, add product, create discounts and manage shipping & delivery.

Understand Shopify checkout, how to use integrations, refunds, manage orders, and add policies.

If backend systems, shipping, payment methods, policies, and the rest does your head in this is for you!

We cover everything from apps to fulfilment and everything in between in the Shopify backend so you can feel confident in your systems!


module five

module four

module three

module two

module one

module ten

module nine

module eight

module SEVEN

module SIX

module five

module four

module three

module two

module one

module ten

module nine

module eight

module SEVEN

module SIX

We’ll also cover the wild beast that is SEO from how to do it to best practices and guidelines.

Lastly we’ll go step by step through hope to audit and optimise your website and make sure it’s making as many sales as possible!

Even if you HATE numbers, you’ll be able to understand exactly what is working and not working in your business.

Understand how to use Shopify Report and Google Analytics to have a clear few of your business data.


module five

module four

module three

module two

module one

module ten

module nine

module eight

module SEVEN

module SIX

Learn how to set up an Amazon account and go through the backend to leverage this sales channel for your business.

Learn about other marketplace sto use like Amazon, eBay, and Etsy.

We'll go step-by-step how to sell on Amazon! 


module five

module four

module three

module two

module one

module ten

module nine

module eight

module SEVEN

module SIX

Learn how to create and design emails easily.

Understand the do's and don'ts of email marketing to make your customers excited to receive your emails.

We’ll show you exactly how to use email marketing to grow your business

We’ll guide you through Klaviyo and how to set up your campaigns and automated workflows so you can make money while you sleep!


module five

module four

module three

module two

module one

module ten

module nine

module eight

module SEVEN

module SIX

Understand exactly how to set up, run, read, and optimise advertising campaigns on Meta, Google, and Pinterest.

Set your paid ad strategy and start running your own profitable campaigns.

Learn how to run your own successful ads on Meta (ie. Facebook and Instagram), Google, and Pinterest! 

Never get let down by an overpriced agency or freelancer again!


module five

module four

module three

module two

module one

module ten

module nine

module eight

module SEVEN

module SIX

Use our launch checklist to make sure everything is all set. Then it’s time for a champagne!

We make sure everything is in place to launch (or relaunch) your amazing ecommerce business into the world! 


Deep dive into any questions or things you need help with!

Group Q&A Calls


Connect, learn, share and get support with other members.


All the templates, checklist, and spreadsheets you need.

Template Vault


Gain exclusive access to these bonuses

Anddddddd (yep, there's MORE!)...

Private Meta Group

VALUED AT $2,999

(If you were to work with me 1:1 or hire someone to do all of this for it would cost upwards of $10,000!)


I'm IN!

(SAVE 65%)


The best way to know if it’s gonna work is to try it yourself. 

I am so confident that the knowledge and tools you'll learn in this program are completely transformational that I'll happily refund your investment within 30 days.

To qualify for your money back you must complete the first 3 modules and submit the completed templates within 30 days of purchase.

100% Money Back Guarantee

So, are you ready to launch your eCommerce business?


With Elyse’s help, we’ve seen astounding results, with a 64% increase in our online sales last year! Those results speak for themselves - and it’s been fun!

We have seen epic growth of our online store and business overall, thanks to Elyse's expertise."


With the Ultimate Ecommerce Academy you’ll be able to…
• Launch and optimise your dream business
• Build your own online store from scratch
• Create a high-converting website (without coding)
• Run reporting and analytics that make decision making easy
• Tackle the wild beast of “SEO” (it’s not as hard as you think!)
• Run profitable paid ads (even without huge budgets)
• Set up email marketing that will make sales on auto-pilot
• Create a killer sales & marketing strategy that will supercharge your growth (without having to work 24/7)
• Feel clear & focused as you continue to grow and tackle new challenges 

Imagine if your business idea could become an amazing reality

And now it's your turn!

The Ultimate Ecommerce Academy isn't like other courses out there

We don't focus on trendy, hot-flash marketing techniques that will be out-dated in a few months and leave you chasing your tail 

We show you the proven methods to build your business from Day 1 to Year 100, from $0 to $10m and navigate the changing algorithms, and stand the test of time.

We also give you the skills and knowledge to run your business and not be reliant on agencies, freelancers, developers or interns that can overpromise and underdeliver 

We keep you accountable 

We teach you the mindset and strategies that, when followed, make it impossible to fail 

Get super clear on your business and exactly what you need to do to launch and grow! 

Become an eCommerce wizard who understands everything from Shopify to paid ads to email marketing to Google Analytics! 

It has a no fluff approach with action packed advice in bite-sized modules that help you:

Allows you to take things at your own pace 

Deep dive with our Q&A calls to get extra, specialized support where you need it! 

A unique online experience including self-paced videos and community group support which:

Focus on the most important elements of your business

Feel clear, calm, focused and in-control

See results quicker without wasting time running in circles!

Tools and resources to help you stay on track and implement your learnings so you can:

Loads of support from my own expertise and the experience of other business owners on the journey with you

Get personalised support for the specific problems and challenges you're facing in your business

Exclusive access to your teacher (that's me!) via Live Q&A calls and group support to help with:

Feel proud of the incredible business you've built

Be super clear, confident, and calm about exactly what you need to do to grow your business

Avoid struggling to figure it all out on your own and making costly mistakes 

Make money while you sleep on auto-pilot

Create an incredible brand that positively impacts people around the world and gives you amazing freedom in your life.

This course is perfect for you if you want to

No need to wait. This course is for you!

It has been designed for those who are working on their side hustles so they can build businesses to eventually ditch the 9-5.

 While the course is designed to be taken over 10-weeks, you can take it at your own pace as you will have lifetime access to the content and all updates! 

I’m still working, this will be my side hustle…should I wait until I have more time to join? 


Yes! While we won’t show you how to pick or manufacture a product, we will show you how to build your brand and turn that product into a sustainable online business

If you have an amazing idea but are still in the process of creating and manufacturing your product you can absolutely take this course to supercharge your growth! 

But if you aren’t even sure what you’ll want to be selling online, we recommend figuring out this out first before enrolling in the course so that you get the most out of the program.

I have a product idea but nothing else…is this the right program for me?


If you have a business but it feels messy, overwhelming, chaotic, or is just STUCK and not making any sells…then YES this is for you! You may have some of the basics set up already but this course will allow you to break everything down, refine and relaunch your business so you feel clear, calm, in-control and are making sales easily. 

If you have a physical/retail business and want to take it online…yep, this course is for you! 

If you have an established business making consistent sales and you want to scale it even further,  our group coaching accelerator would be a perfect fit.

I already have a business. Is this course for me?


I bet you're wondering....

your questions answered

We recommend setting aside 4-8 hours per week for this course for the 10 weeks. But you can always spend less or more time as needed since you’ll have lifetime access.

How much time is required for this course? 


No, this course is specifically designed for launch e-commerce businesses (selling physical products).

Is this course for launching services? 


You’ll have to invest in stock of your product (if you haven’t already) and spend a few hundred dollars on tech systems like Shopify and Klaviyo (this is optional but recommended) but your strategies and marketing budgets can all work around your time and budget limitations! 

I really don’t have a big budget. Aside for the cost of the course, what other investments will I have to make to have a profitable business? 


Let's chat! Email me anytime at hello@wildthingecommerce.com and I'll be happy to answer your question!

I have another question....


I am so confident that the knowledge and tools you'll learn in this program are completely transformational however if for some reason you feel a shift in the way you approach your business, I'll happily refund your
investment within 30 days.

To qualify for your money back you must complete the first 3 modules and submit the completed templates.

What if I don't see results?


First off, do a happy dance because you've just taken a HUGE step towards your dreams.

As soon as you join you'll get access to the video modules and all templates, spreadsheets and checklists you need! 

Then you can work through the videos at your own pace week by week. 

You'll be added to our LIVE support calls every other week where we can answer any questions and deep dive topics and you can jump into the private facebook group anytime! 

How does the course work? What happens when I enrol?


Feel excited, passionate, calm, clear, and PROUD of the business you've built and what you've achieved.

You'll feel at ease and confident knowing you can grow your business despite challenges and can use our frameworks and strategies again and again to keep growing your business. 

Everything you need to know to run a successful online business. 

When you finish this course you'll walk away with

Feel excited, passionate, calm, clear, and PROUD of the business you've built and what you've achieved.

You'll feel at ease and confident knowing you can grow your business despite challenges and can use our frameworks and strategies again and again to keep growing your business. 

So, are you ready to launch your online business?

The best way to know if it’s gonna work is to try it yourself. 

I am so confident that the knowledge and tools you'll learn in this program are completely transformational that I'll happily refund your investment within 30 days.

To qualify for your money back you must complete the first 3 modules and submit the completed templates within 30 days of purchase.

100% Money Back Guarantee

I'm IN!

(SAVE 65%)


Have a question?

Get in touch!

Email hello@wildthingecommerce.com